The Etna Est agency organises tours, Etna excursions with the best environmental hiking and tourist guides, in collaboration with geologists and volcanologists.
The Etna Est team is made up of experienced local guides, licensed and in love with the area, with a real passion for our Etna and our wonderful land, Sicily.

We are among the most loved attractions in Catania TripAdvisor reviews, read our reviews HERE
Our excursions are organized every day with minivans and jeeps.
On request we offer private tours, custom guided Etna tours, luxury tours, excursions for groups and schools, food and wine tours, Incentive and Team Building activities.
Choose your experience and book now to live your dream!


CarmeloAigae guide (Environmental Hiking Guide)
Passionate and experienced guide, Carmelo is the creator and founder of Etna Est, for this reason called “THE LEADER”.
A Catanese business man in a trekking outfit. Among his veins does not flow common blood, but a fluid mixed with loose lava. If you see him smoking while climbing impervious peaks, don’t worry. He does it out of empathy with his “Vulcanessa”.
EliaGuida Ambientale escursionistica
A super expert of our beloved Etna.
Son of the Boss, grew up with bread and trekking, between eruptions and ascents to the summit craters, he studies Geology at the University of Catania and is a source of knowledge in constant flow, a bit like the magma chamber of our volcano.
MelaniaEnvironmental Hiking Guide
Very young, sparkling and exuberant, very skilled simultaneous translator in 3 languages, English, Spanish and French, Melania has learned the art of becoming a guide from the most experienced staff, giving smiles and good humor with her precious support.
GaetanoEnvironmental Hiking Guide FederEscursionismo
Born in Catania, passionate about winter sports and mountain biking that led him to be passionate about everything that nature can offer, deepening studies in botany history and volcanology. He loves to pass on his knowledge to guests on excursions to Mount Etna, in the parks and reserves of eastern Sicily. Spoken language French and studies in English.
DanieleAigae Guide (Environmental Hiking Guide)
Born in Catania. A great lover of nature and history, aspects that he passes on with love to the tourists he accompanies on his excursions.
Languages spoken: Italian and English.
GiuseppeAigae guide (Environmental Hiking Guide)
Born in Catania. He has always been passionate about outdoor sports and travel, which has led him to improve his knowledge of the languages he has studied (English and French).
His love of nature leads him to live his work with dedication and care, which he passes on to the tourists he takes on excursions.
MaurizioAigae Guide (Environmental Hiking Guide)
Born in Catania. He loves to involve guests with explanations and illustrations collected during his years of activity. He confidently guides clients from all over the world thanks to his excellent communication skills in English.
LeonardoEnvironmental Hiking Guide
The love for nature is in his DNA and this is what he wants to share with his fellow travelers.
He will accompany you, safely and professionally, to enjoy the spectacle of a vantage point set up as an outdoor cinema or a simple detail of a flower or a rock.
Everything can still be an opportunity for amazement and wonder.
Just stop for a moment!
Luca Cosma (ext. collab.)
Luca Cosma (ext. collab.)Volcanological Guide
Class 75, member of the Regional College of Mountain and Volcanological Guides of Sicily. Raised at the foot of Etna and Stromboli, I have gained over the years a wealth of experience in the field, working alongside the Mountain Guides.
Passion and knowledge are the starting point to ensure that hikers face with awareness the exploration of the territory in which they are, trying to convey those feelings that accompany me every day.
Safety and professionalism represent the most important themes in our work.

Live Your Dreams!